Thunder­ing Herd

Welcome to the Herd Works company blog. In computer science, a thundering herd is classified as a problem. Thundering herds of people rallying together around compelling tools is a good kind of problem.

I am human

Evaluating Cloudflare Stream as a privacy-oriented video hosting alternative to YouTube. It was surprisingly easy to use, but not in the way Cloudflare recommends, so we wanted to document our experience in case it helps someone else.

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Raise your hand if you’ve ever searched for something online, scrolled past the ads, clicked a link that appears to have the answer to your question (perhaps based on the search result preview snippet), and then spent too much time looking for the actual content you need. 🙋🏽‍♂️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏼

The Magic Highlighter is our bid to put an end to this insanity frustration. The Magic Highlighter is a brand new Safari Extension that automatically highlights your,, and search terms and phrases on search result web pages — saving you time, and helping you find what you’ve been searching for.

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So much of modern product development is about narrative. Who is the protagonist (target user persona)? Where are they going (use cases)? And who do they meet along the way (network effects)?

One of the trickiest pieces of narrative to get right is the product marketing. With so many products to choose from, it’s increasingly important to garner some excitement around your product before it is even available to try or buy. Then there’s the actual launch, which many companies put a huge amount of effort into getting just right. But the launch is more of a staring line than it is a finish line. Once the product is generally available, then begins the content marketing, which is a long tail of narrative that you generally hope never ends1.


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Hello, world. 👋 It brings me great pleasure to announce the formation of Herd Works, Inc., a new business venture focused on building productivity tools for people-people.

A people-person is someone who enjoys or is particularly good at being with-, communicating with-, or otherwise interacting with- other people. Developers1 are people-people. Makers1 are people-people. Community leaders are people-people. Influencers are people-people. Your friend who likes to cook is a people-person. If you don’t identify with one of these examples then I’d ask: “have you ever started a new group chat?” If so, you are a people person!


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