Pocket-worthy productivity tools for the human herd

Coming soon to an iPhone, iPad, and Mac near you.

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Small team. Big ideas. πŸ’‘

We have a background in building developer tools. But developers are just people who make things for other people. So now we are refining our focus. We are making software for the makers. The outspoken minority. The creatives. The tinkerers. The community builders.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Herd Works located?

Herd Works is a 100% distributed team with no office.

We are located in the Portland, Oregon area.

How do I follow Herd Works progress?

Checkout our blog, “The Thundering Herd”, to stay up-to-date on new products, services, and other events.

You can follow the blog via our RSS feed using an app like NetNewsWire or a service like FeedBin.

For periodic summaries of what’s happening on the blog, please subscribe to our newsletter.

How do I get in touch with Team Herd Works?

You may click here to leave a message or find other contact details.

We even accept snail mail! πŸŒπŸ“­

How do I invest in Herd Works?

You don’t. At least not yet. 😊 We’re going to continue bootstrapping for as long as we’re in stealth mode so we can stay focused on product.

To get notified about potential investment opportunities, please subscribe to The Thundering Herd newsletter.